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Home    Wood Species    Angelim Vermelho


Angelim Vermelho

Scientific name: Dinizia excelsa


Other common names:

Angelim, Angelim-falso, Angelim-ferro, Angelim-pedra, Angelim-pedra-verdadeiro, Angelim-vermelho, Dinízia-parda, Fava, Fava-carvão, Fava-dura, Fava-ferro, Fava-grande, Faveira, Faveira-carvão, Faveira-dura, Faveira-ferro, Faveiro-do-grande, Gurupá.



Commercial height: 10.50m; Diameter: (DBH) 55.7cm; (DAB) 64.O cm; Trunk: straight; Buttress: from low to 2.70 m.


General characteristics:

Heartwood/sapwood: slightly distinct;

Thickness of sapwood: 5.0cm to 12.0cm;

Heartwood color: light reddish brown (5YR 6/3);

Sapwood color: reddish grey (5YR 5/2);

Growth rings: distinct;

Grain: interlocked; Texture: medium;

Tangential figure: caused by prominent vascular lines;

Radial figure: in wide longitudinal bands caused by growth rings Luster: moderate;

Odor: disagreeable and weak;

Resistance to manual cross-cutting: hard.



The heartwood is untreatable with creosote (oil-borne) or CCA (water borne).


Kiln drying:

Rapid (5.5 days) with slight tendency to medium warping and slight collapse Schedule used: SEVERE.



End-Uses: Heavy construction, light construction, boats, turnery, furniture framework and paneling.


Test Planing Sanding Turning Boring
Number of samples 6 - 14 14
Processing Fair - Easy Fair
Finishing Very Bad - Excellent Fair
Surface Torn - Good Fuzzy and torn



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Phisical Properties:


Density(g/cm3) Shrinkage (%) Shrinkage Tangential/ Shrinkage Radial
Dry Green Basic 12% Tangential Radial Volumetric
0.97  1.26 0.83    9.50   5.70   14.50 1.67


Mechanical Properties:


State Static Bending Compression Janka Hardness
Modulus of rupture (kgf/cm2) Modulus of elasticity (1.000kgf/cm2) Parallel to the grain Perpendicular to the grain Parallel to the grain (kgf) End to the grain (kgf)
Maximum compression (kgf/cm2) Stress at proportional limit (kgf/cm2)
Green 1220 153   615   105 1019 1108
Dry 1600 173 873 151 1460 1381  


State Tension Cleavage strenght Shear Nail extration
Perpendicular to the grain Maximum compression (kgf/cm) Maximum compression (kgf/cm) Parallel to the grain (kgf) End to the grain (kgf)
Maximum compression (kgf/cm2)
Green 53 75 134    
Dry 39 67 180    


Source: Laboratory of Forest Products - IBAMA-Brasília-Brazil


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