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About New Timber

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About New Timber

New Timber is a company specialized in agency and export of tropical wood and derivatives.


The company was established in the Amazon region. Its main objective is to facilitate the commercialization of legal forest products between Amazonia and the foreign countries and, thus, to promote a sustainable development in the regions where the company acts.




All of our suppliers follow rigorous norms of preservation and conservation of the tropical forests and possess plans of well managed forests in accordance with Brazilian environmental protection laws. Some of our partners have the FSC label.




New Timber has exclusive inspectors/graders to classify and assure the quality control, specifications and delivery time of its products. This way we take care of the requirements of the customer without compromising the course of supplier’s production.




For a better attendance of the order, NewTimber sends periodically a “follow up” to importer, so our customer has a real notion on what phase is its order.



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Our Address:

Road Outeiro, 2252.
Distrito Industrial de Icoaraci - CEP: 66813-250
Belém/PA - Brazil
CNPJ 09.637.637/0001-68

Phone: Tel: +55 (91) 3227-0893

Fax Tel/Fax: +55 (91)3241-7546

Email Email: info@newtimber.com.br

www.fsc.org.br www.ibama.gov.br

New Timber Agency and Export - All Rights reserved Desenvolvido por Bredi