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Home    Wood Species    Angelim Pedra


Angelim Pedra

Scientific name: Hymenolobium petraeum


Other common names:

Angelim, Angelim-amarelo, Angelim-aroeira, Angelim-branco-pedra, Angelim-comum, Angelim-da-mata, Angelim-do-pará, Angelim-grande, Angelim-macho, Angelim-pedra, Angelim-rosa, Mirarema, Murarena, Sucupira-amarela.




Results Planing Frame Sanding Belt Narrow Turning Boring
Number of samples 10 10 10 10
Surface Finishing Fair Excellent Good Good
Defect Fuzzy No defect Torn Fuzzy
Setting Equipment Suitable - Suitable Suitable



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Phisical Properties:


Density(g/cm3) Shrinkage (%) Shrinkage Tangential/ Shrinkage Radial
Dry Green Basic 12% Tangential Radial Volumetric
0.66 1.19 0.59 0.71 6.30 4.10 10.10 1.54


Mechanical Properties:


State Static Bending Compression Janka Hardness
Modulus of rupture (kgf/cm2) Modulus of elasticity (1.000kgf/cm2) Parallel to the grain Perpendicular to the grain Parallel to the grain (kgf) End to the grain (kgf)
Maximum compression (kgf/cm2) Stress at proportional limit (kgf/cm2)
Green 720 96 388 65 543 515
Dry 1115 118 533 115 781 590  


State Tension Cleavage strenght Shear Nail extration
Perpendicular to the grain Maximum compression (kgf/cm) Maximum compression (kgf/cm) Parallel to the grain (kgf) End to the grain (kgf)
Maximum compression (kgf/cm2)
Green 43   102 83 132
Dry 39   125 121 170


Source: Laboratory of Forest Products - IBAMA-Brasília-Brazil


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