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Home    Wood Species    Angelim Amargosa


Angelim Amargosa

Scientific name: Vatairea sericea


Other common names:

Angelim-amargoso, Fava-amargosa, Fava-bolacha, Faveira-amargosa, Faveira-bolacha, Sapupira-amarela, Sucupira-amarela,



Commercial height: 8.20m; Diameter: (DBH) 50.8cm, (DAB) 51.2cm; Trunk: straight; Buttress: from low to 5.10m.


General characteristics:

Heartwood/sapwood: distinct;

Thickness of sapwood: 1.5cm to 8.0cm;

Heartwood color: dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) with brownish yellow stripes ( 10YR 6/6);

Sapwood color: pinkish grey (7.5YR 7/2);

Growth rings: indistinct;

Grain: irregular;

Texture: medium to coarse;

Tangencial figure: weakly fibrous aspect, due to prominent axial parenchyma and vascular lines;

Radial figure: weakly fibrous aspect due to prominent axial parenchyma and vascular lines;

Luster: lacking;

Odor: indistinct;

Resistance to manual cross-cutting: hard.



The heartwood is untreatable with CCA (water-borne).


Kiln drying:

Rapid (5.0 days) with slight tendency to moderate cupping and warping; Schedule used: mild.




Test Planing Sanding Turning Boring
Number of samples 14 14 14 10
Processing Easy Easy Very easy Fair
Finishing Bad Fair Excellent Good
Surface Fuzzy and torn Fuzzy Good Fuzzy and torn



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Phisical Properties:


Density(g/cm3) Shrinkage (%) Shrinkage Tangential/ Shrinkage Radial
Dry Green Basic 12% Tangential Radial Volumetric
0.82  1.22  0.71    8.40  4.50  13.90  1.87


Mechanical Properties:


State Static Bending Compression Janka Hardness
Modulus of rupture (kgf/cm2) Modulus of elasticity (1.000kgf/cm2) Parallel to the grain Perpendicular to the grain Parallel to the grain (kgf) End to the grain (kgf)
Maximum compression (kgf/cm2) Stress at proportional limit (kgf/cm2)
Green 1003 134   507   84   741 762
Dry 1381 152 661 114 780 805  


State Tension Cleavage strenght Shear Nail extration
Perpendicular to the grain Maximum compression (kgf/cm) Maximum compression (kgf/cm) Parallel to the grain (kgf) End to the grain (kgf)
Maximum compression (kgf/cm2)
Green 43 55 116    
Dry 36 50 141    


Source: Laboratory of Forest Products - IBAMA-Brasília-Brazil


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Road Outeiro, 2252.
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Belém/PA - Brazil
CNPJ 09.637.637/0001-68

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