Home Sustainability
New Timber believes that the planning and execution of actions that consider, simultaneously, the economical, social and environmental dimensions is the only way to make a sustainable development possible. This is not an easy task, since it requires an essential change of mentality. Therefore, New Timber seeks for partnerships with ecologically correct companies to develop environmental projects of native species culture.
New Timber has a project of tropical species culture in the city of Santa Bárbara, in the state of Pará, located 45 Km from the capital, Belém.
Ten percent of the company’s annual profit are assigned for the creation of new plant nurseries, the maintenance of the planted area, the research of new species and projects to aid the local population. Hence, we accomplish four basic requirements of the company’s philosophy:
We are conscious that we must provide the market’s needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to provide theirs.
New Timber believes in the equilibrium between the environmental protection and the economical development. Above all, we believe in a sustainable Amazonia.
Our Address:
Road Outeiro, 2252.
Distrito Industrial de Icoaraci - CEP: 66813-250
Belém/PA - Brazil
CNPJ 09.637.637/0001-68
Tel: +55 (91) 3227-0893
Tel/Fax: +55 (91)3241-7546
Email: info@newtimber.com.br